Sunday, July 24, 2011

New TV

Early this morning I asked Ella what we should do today, and she replied:

For those of you who don't speak baby, she said, "Go buy a new TV, one that is flatter and has a higher resolution." She has a point: I don't want Ella to grow up knowing tube TV's, so for her sake, I took the initiative and bought a flat screen TV.

Ella was a lot of help making the decision. She clearly wanted a Sony 32" LCD.

Here's the old one:

And the new one:
Momma won't let Ella enjoy this piece of technology until she is much older, so I will have to put in the hours.


  1. You are such an awesome dad Scott. I think Ella is wise beyond her years, too. I cannot wait to hear what other wise advice she has for you to buy in the new technology age.

    Soooo cute!
