Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fun at the MN Zoo

Ella loved the birds!

All bundled up for the MN trail.

The fish were her favorite!

We'll be heading back to the zoo a lot! We purchased a zoo membership and are excited for many more zoo trips!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ella and Scott's new favorite activity

Ella crawls on the blanket...

Scott pulls the blanket through the kitchen....

And through the living room and repeats.... ELLA LOVES IT!



Monday, January 23, 2012

Busy Girl

"Ella, let's take pictures with Mr. Bear like we do every month...."

She's smirking because she just threw the bear on the floor for the  third time in a row!

"I think I'll stand up..." (She's pulling herself up on everything these days)

"Really Mom, I have to sit?"

"Okay, I'll just crawl off." (Down goes the camera as I swiftly pick Ella up, set her on the floor, and forget about taking picture with Mr. Bear this month,)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sorry for the vacation from posting...

So it has been a couple of weeks since I posted anything on the blog... SORRY! We had a horrible case of stomach flu that Ella got, then Scott got, and then I got. Ella also shared these no fun germs with Grandma Julie and Auntie Jamie. NO FUN! It was a horrible week of sickness, but we're healthy now, thankfully!

The second reason that I haven't posted anything for awhile is because I have been busy creating my Etsy shop. I've been taking pictures and uploading them to my etsy site (check it out at So hopefully, this coming week I will be better at posting more regularly.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year... just a few days late.

We haven't been home much lately as we have been busy celebrating the holidays with family and friends. I'll be posting more pictures soon from Christmas and the days following, but here are a few pictures of Miss Ella Bear creeping around at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Scott and Grandpa Brian watched Ella Bear while my mom, sister, and I went shopping. She was a busy girl while we were gone...
