Thursday, August 11, 2011

First Time on the Swings...

Last night we packed Ella Bear up and headed over to the trail by Lake Marion… hoping for another beautiful evening stroll around the lake. In our pre-Ella days, Scott and I would have walked to the trail and then walked around the lake, but the 1 mile or so walk to the lake is still too scary for us to take with Ella so we drive to the trail instead. However, when we got to the parking lot by the trail all the parking spots were taken! So we had to make a quick change of plans. We opted to head over to the park and beach on Lake Marion. We thought Elle might enjoy seeing other kids playing, looking at the water, and perhaps playing on some of the equipment.

We strolled around the park for a little while before heading to the swings. We realized Ella had never been on the swing before… we felt she was still too little to give the baby swing a try so instead she sat on my lap. She seemed to enjoy it! We’re looking forward to taking Ella in the water, but that may have to wait until next summer when she’s a little bigger and we can lather her in sunscreen (if she’s anything like her Mama she’s going to sunburn easily)!

So HAPPY! She loved that we didn't strap her into her stroller!
Elle's view from her stroller...

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